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    jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

    Stephenie volvio a soñar con Edward

    La autora de la saga de ‘Crepúsculo' está emocionada con el nuevo film y reveló que tuvo un sueño en el que se le apareció Edward Cullen e intentó matarla.

    ‘Creo que la mejor escena para mi fue siempre la de la pradera, porque allí fue donde todo empezó. Fue lo primero que me vino a la mente, por lo que quería verlo en la pantalla, aunque creo que me sorprendió como la resolvieron... Me encantó ver la escena base.' dijo la escritora, en declaraciones a'Es muy divertida para verla, me fascinó.'

    Meyer confesó que tuvo un sueño en el que estaba Edward Cullen.'Tuve un sueño luego de haber trabajado en Nueva Luna."Fue extraño...Estaba durmiendo en el cuarto de invitados porque mi esposo tenía un horrible resfrío ... yo no estaba del todo cómoda y tuve un sueño en el que Edward aparecía y me decía que había hecho todo mal, que él existía en realidad pero que no podía vivir de animales...tuve la extraña sensación de que iba a matarme..."Fue realmente aterrador y bizarro. Muy diferente a los otros pensamientos que había tenido sobre este personaje."Fue cool porque me dio una visión diferente de él.'

    From: simplemente robert patinson

    La revista Glamour de españa entrevisto a Robert, asi que aqui les dejo los scans de la revista:

    From: robert patinson source

    Entrevista de una revista griega a Robert
    • How do you feel about getting the role, while there were casted so manyactors? The fans of the book got 75.000 signs because they didn’t wantyou. How did you feel about it?

    Whenyou are going to an audition for a role that many consider as theperfect man, you expect people to be suspicious. But I don’t reallycare.

    • There are many girls that would like to go to bed with you. How do you handle it?

    Idon’t know. I don’t have enough time to stay in a place. I only meetjournalists. But it’s really weird that 10-years old fellows come to meand say “Please bite me!”

    • Speaking of biting, who you’d like to bite?

    I don’t think I’d like to bite anyone. I don’t like biting.

    • Haveyou ever had lessons to manage your profile? Your fans are youngpeople. Was there anyone who told you what to do and how to be?

    Yes!They sent me in a centre to learn how to manage my profile for themedia. I thought that it’s very stupid. Probably I can do whatever Iwant because I’m a vampire in the big screen. I was supposed to havethe profile of the “bad” guy. It’s hilarious. I remember that when Iwent to that centre, I was having humor to their questions and theylooked annoyed. They accused me of opposing to learn how to managemyself for the media.

    • What is most important to you? To be an actor or a musician?

    Bothare really important to me. I think I take them seriously. I mean thatI haven’t written music for a long time, I don’t want to be anotheractor who played in a successful movie and then released an album. Iwant to compose a really good album, but sometime that it won’t becomparable to acting.

    • What kind of music do you want to make? Indie rock or folk? Folky rock!You have a song in the Twilight OST. Have you been asked from the director to write it?

    Well,I’ve written it a long time ago. A crew member gave it to the directorand she put it in a scene, without telling me. At first, I didn’trecognize it. I was happy and I suggested putting it, retaining myanonymity but they didn’t let me because of the marketing. That was myfirst song that was recorded officially.

    • How was your life before getting the role of Edward Cullen?

    Lastyear I had a great apartment in Soho where you could go to the roof andwatch the great view. I played music and I tried to record it. But thenI went to Spain for the movie “Little Ashes” and everything changed. Itwas the first time that I was researching about something. I haven’tseen the movie yet but either if it’s bad or good, it surely changedthe way I feel about acting and made me more obedient about what I canachieve of acting when I see the scripts.

    • How did you pay for a big apartment in Soho?

    Itwasn’t big. Actually, it was the smallest you’ve ever seen and it wasempty. It only had two garden chairs and nothing else. No carpet, noheating, no bathroom. I had to go to my parents’ house to take a bath.But it was perfect. I thought my lifestyle was bohemian. I was sad whenI left it.

    • Why did you leave it?

    Becausethere are some renovations in London and the rent raised 5.000 pounds.I was in U.S.A. for a whole year because of the filming of Twilight. Iwas practically paying for an apartment that my friends were living in.So I left it.

    • Do you miss London?

    Yes, very much. I was there before two days and I was surprised of how much I miss it.

    • Where do you live now?


    • So you’re a bohemian guy again?

    Yes, someway…

    • Are you excited that you’re going to be a “vampire” for the next ten years?

    Yes but that’s not going to last so much because vampires aren’t gettingold. So I can’t do it for more than the next two years. It will beridiculous.

    • For how many movies have you signed?

    For three movies. The filming for New Moon has already began.What do you think makes people so much interested in vampires right now? I don’t know. It’s like domino phenomenon. Something is successful and then everybody is filming scripts for vampires.

    • Do you like vampires?

    Yes.But I don’t understand those who say that they like everything that isrelated with vampires. I liked the first Nosferatu and things likethat.

    • Are you addicted to something?

    I was very addicted to Van Morrison.

    From: robert patinson source

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